Thursday, August 13, 2009

Success Coach program launches this Saturday in preparation for the 13th annual Men's "Day of Self-Esteem" event

This Saturday, August 15 Working Wardrobes will launch the volunteer Success Coach program in preparation for our 13th Annual Men's "Day of Self-Esteem" event which will be held on Sunday, October 25 at Los Amigos High School in Fountain Valley, CA.

In preparation for each "Day of Self-Esteem" event (3 events are held each year), Working Wardrobes deploys their crew of over 40 volunteer Success Coaches to almost 20 Partner Agencies to facilitate a 6-week, career readiness training. The Partner Agencies include domestic violence tranistional living programs as well as long-term residential substance abuse treatment programs located in Orange County, Long Beach, Los Angeles and the Inland Empire.

All of our coaches are trained to facilitate Working Wardrobes "Career Success" workshop curriculum that includes topics such as: skills assessments, networking, business etiquette, interview skills and more. Although we do provide the curriculum, our coaches are all experienced in the Human Resource and/or training fields and bring tremendous expertise that greatly enhances our clients experience and ultimate success.

We are still recruiting coaches and have space available at this Saturday's training which is from 8 am - 4 pm at Working Wardrobes in Fountain Valley. If you're interested in becoming a Success Coach, please visit the Success Coach page on our website (link below):

You may also contact Mary Ann Profeta, our Manager of Career Development as she heads up the program at: (714) 210-2460 or

Please join us in positively impacting these men's lives and preparing them for a successful job search!

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