Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Chance Encounter With A Success Story

Friday morning, I'm at Fullerton College. It's an informational fair on non-profits and community involvement. I'm doing the usual, talking, recruiting, explaining about Working Wardrobes, are you familiar with who we are and what we do?

There's a pause to the influx of students when a woman working one of the other booths walks up to me.

"Hi! Are you familiar with Working Wardrobes?" I ask her.

"Yes, I am. Actually, I went through Working Wardrobes!"

She was referred to us through a domestic violence program awhile back. She was ready to get back to work, but didn't think she had the means: "I thought: I don't have anything to wear! How am I going to find a job?? And then they told me about Working Wardrobes."

Her experience, she explained, was exceptional. She was partnered with a wonderful volunteer Personal Shopper who was kind and friendly, and helped her find the perfect working wardrobe. When she couldn't find anything in her shoe size (she's a size 2), a volunteer went online, found some for her, and had them shipped directly to her house.

It was that wardrobe she wore to her interview at the organization she now works!

"I heard you explaining about your organization and I thought, wait, I know them! They helped me! I just had to come over and let you know that yes, you do make a difference-- the program works. I mean, look at me. I'm a Success Story!"


Our Men's Day of Self-Esteem is Sunday, October 25th, and we need volunteers to help someone else on their way to becoming a Success story. Over 100 men will be served, and two former clients will share their heartwarming stories. Volunteer registration forms are available online on our website or by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. Okay - this was awesome story - I love when I learn new things about my own organization!
